Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Obama call tool...perfect for Obama tools

For a group that appears to be so hip and soooo in tune with younger people, you would think that the Obama campaign would know that the word "tool" has taken on a new meaning in the last few years.

At best, when you call someone a tool you are claiming that person is a useless or a stupid person. And there is a worse meaning.

So the tools with in Chicago want people to use the call tool to bother people at home. A free log in is required. I logged in and not only did a script pop up, but the phone number of someone who lives a couple of towns over.

Wow...this is a perfect tool for stalkers and harassers.

Oh, the script:
Hi. Is ANN available?
Hi ANN, my name is JOHN and I’m a volunteer with Obama for America. I’m calling with Women for Obama about the Affordable Care Act - the new health care law. How are you today? [ENGAGE IN CONVERSATION.]
Who do you support for President in 2012?
[IF LEAN/STRONG OBAMA]: That’s great. I am reaching out to women in my neighborhood today to let them know that the Affordable Care Act will prevent insurance companies from discriminating based on gender and help to lower health costs for women and their families.
Thanks to unprecedented new guidelines in the Affordable Care Act, women will have access to a wide range of preventive services such as well-woman visits, mammograms, birth control pills, and much more without a co-pay or deductible. Being a woman is no longer considered a pre-existing condition. Visit to learn how the Affordable Care Act is helping you.
[IF LEAN REPUBLICAN/UNDECIDED]: I am reaching out to women in my neighborhood today to let them know that The Affordable Care Act will prevent insurance companies from discriminating based on gender and help to lower health costs for women and their families.
Thanks to unprecedented new guidelines in the Affordable Care Act, women will have access to a wide range of preventive services such as well-woman visits, mammograms, birth control pills, and much more without a co-pay or deductible. Being a woman is no longer considered a pre-existing condition. Visit to learn how the Affordable Care Act is helping you. [DECIDE TO CONTINUE OR HANG UP.]
[IF STRONG REPUBLICAN]: Thank you for your time. [END CALL.]
Would you be willing to volunteer with the campaign?
[IF YES]: Great, an organizer in your area will be in touch.
[IF NO]: Thank you for your time today. Take care.
[IF LATER]: President Obama is relying on people like you to help build the grassroots foundation that is necessary for this campaign. Making calls and reaching out to your neighbors is an important first step. Visit if you decide you can help out.
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"Obamacare Side Effects Bumper Sticker"

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