Monday, July 23, 2012

Greens astroturfng for kid who is against plastic bags

Back in the days of  vaudeville, there were few more challenging situations for performers than following a child on stage. Which is understandable, almost everyone wants to see kids do well.

That same sentiment explains why media reports of children doing extraordiary things are so popular.

But what if such stories aren't true--or at least exaggerated.

Such as this one about a Lake County, Illinois 12 year-old anti-plastic bags activisit that Big Government tells us about:
"Well a friend at my school got me in contact with another activist named Ben Zolno. He was the creator of Plastic Bag State of Mind. His idea was to start this petition, and I was in Israel for two weeks so the whole thing got started while I was on vacation."

So, she was on vacation when the idea of the petition was initially floated by a progressive flack known for outrageous remarks. Zolno has made remarks such as "people want convenience, and are all too willing to let a moment of temporary laziness damn their children and planet for eternity." The video included with this aforementioned statement features literal ‘plastic bag monsters’ maiming a pseudo-reporter. Stuff such as this can’t be made up.

Now, Zolno is at it again, this time using a child as a human prop for the machinations of activists. Moments following Goldberg's revelation of the petition's origin, she spoke to the observers who noted the harsh language within the petition:

"Well, not all of them were exactly my words. I mean, I wrote them, but Ben edited them and he changed it and I agreed to it, too."
Sad...very sad.

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