Thursday, July 05, 2012

From the shadow-Obama bus tour: Jindal and Pawlenty slam Obama on conference call

President Obama is on a campaign bus tour of Ohio and Pennsylvania today and tomorrow. Shadowing them on a GOP bus tour in those swing states are two Republican governors, Tim Pawlenty--of Minnesota and Bobby Jindal of Louisiana.

Pawlenty is a former governor.

Of Obama, Jindal said, "If you listen to his rhetoric and policies, you see a president who is engaged in class warfare, divide and blame rhetoric, simply because he can't run on his record."

What about Romney?

"He's running on policies and a track record of creating jobs in the private sector--not the public sector," Jindal asserted. "[Romney] is reminding the American people that what makes America great is unlimited opportunity. You're not entitled to equal results, you are entitled to equal opportunity in this great country," he added.

Calling it "another series of broken promises," Jindal also condemned ObamaCare, mentioning Obama's vow that health care insurance premiums would go down because of his signature piece of legislation--they've gone up. As well as his promise that Americans would be able to keep their own doctor--20 million workers may lose their employer-based health care plans. To fund ObamaCare, $500 billion will be raided from Medicare--Obama promised to protect Medicare four years ago.

Pawlenty said of Obama, "We don't want to be duped twice as a country." He also spanked the president over broken promises. In addition to ObamaCare, Pawlenty named two other unfulfilled promises: His commitment to cut the national deficit in half--it has almost doubled since Obama took office and the failure of what the governor called a "gargantuan, misguided stimulus bill." Which by now, according to the White House, should have brought the unemployment rate down to 5.6 percent.

Both governors slammed the dependency culture fostered by the Obama White House and said that Romney would create jobs by allowing the private sector to thrive by eliminating burdensome regulations and of course, by getting rid of ObamaCare.

Editorial note: Image created from one of my own photographs using PhotoShop Elements 10.

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