Friday, May 11, 2012

Warren's Native American heritage claim: Multiply 1/32 times zero

Vienna, Illinois
There is so much news out there. With Occupy Chicago and NATO keeping my plate full, I sometimes come late to the party. And so it is with Occupy-loving Elizabeth Warren, the most prominent of the Democratic challengers for the Massachusetts Senate seat currently held by Republican Scott Brown. It seems that at a least a couple of times she was listed as a Native American faculty member a couple of times when she was a law professor because she is 1/32 Cherokee.

Now that faint claim man in fact be a feint as another law professsor, William A. Jacobson informs us: Genealogist for Elizabeth Warren 1/32 Cherokee claim goes silent, source document shown false.

What do you get when you multiply 1/32 times zero? Nothing.

This situation is another example of the folly of racial preferences in hiring.

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