I was wondering why Chris Wallace didn't host his program today, Fox News Sunday.
Much of Wallace's earlier career occurred in Chicago. According to the Chicago Sun-Times' Metro Chicago Almanac, WENR-TV, now WLS-TV's first show was a mystery drama starring Wallace, "Standby for Crime." Yes, he acted and he even covered pro wrestling (more acting) and even beauty contests tied in with those events.
Rest in peace.
UPDATE 11:15am: Newt Gingrich issued a statement about Wallace's passing:
Callista and I join our friend Chris Wallace and his family in mourning the passing of his father, Mike Wallace. Mike was a giant in news reporting and analysis. His investigative reporting was legendary, and his participation in 60 Minutes helped create a lasting institution. Mike Wallace's life created a legacy young reporters will study for years to come. The Wallace family is in our prayers this Easter Sunday.Related post:
Mike Wallace, onetime host of Chicago's "Miss Tavern Pale Beauty Pageant"
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1 comment:
Mike Wallace spanned an era between the dawn of TV news and today's incessant, politically colored 24/7 yammering. Not quite a Walter Cronkite or Edward R. Munrow, he could be legitimately criticized for his political ideology, but he remained essentially honest.
But we can trace today's penchant for "gotcha" journalism directly through Wallace - imitation is not only flattery, but requires exaggeration.
Perhaps, the best accolade is that Wallace is infinitely preferable to today's crop of Limbaugh, Beck, Maddow and Olbermann.
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