Later today I'll have more on the Chicago school occupation.
What else? Well, Occupy Albany is supporting a convicted cop killer, and of course, more arrests and evictions.
The Atlantic Wire: Occupy Wall Street objects to the Occupy Wall Street PAC
With all due respect to the late Bears fullback, it's a failing school. Chicago Sun-Times: Parents occupy school, demand to talk with Rahm
Daily Californian: 18 Occupy Cal protesters detained Friday morning
Las Vegas Sun: Occupy Las Vegas encampment to end, but backers say the movement won't
Yes! Orange Patch: Time for Occupy New Haven to leave the Green?
Boise Weekly: Occupy Boise prepares for eviction notice
Daily O'Collegian: Occupy movement has big problems
Weasel Zippers: Occupy Fashion Week a complete and total failure, five protesters show up…
Big Journalism: NBC's Chuck Todd previews how media will team with #Occupy to hammer Obama's GOP challengers
Rule of thumb. If Mumia favors it, I'm against it. Bay View: Mumia calls on you to 'Occupy 4 Prisoners' Monday, Feb. 20
Hot Air: Occupy movement pretty excited about supporting cop killer
Big Government: #OccupyAlbany announces second event supporting convicted cop killer
Newsbusters: Paul Krugman's revealing Playboy interview: Supports Occupy movement, defends revolting 9-11 anniversary comments
Big Government: AOL/Huffpo hosts convicted domestic terrorist & Occupy organizer; still threatening violence
Weasel Zippers: Occupier of the day…
I thought it was about greed. Progressive Alaska: Occupy fisheries - A positive move offshore
Big Journalism: Occupy women's pants: Debunking Keith Olbermann's pathetic defense of rape
Big Government: Anonymous takes out the FTC in protest Over ACTA, Google privacy
Living Lake Country: Mayor of Occupy Milwaukee
OWS Exposed: Occupy 90210: turning against Obama
Weasel Zippers: Mooch Arrives In Aspen For exclusive ski vacation with fellow one-percenters…
Gateway Pundit: Obama holds Nob Hill fundraiser… massive Tea Party breaks out – complete with "NoBama" finger wags
Occupy Arrests: 6,557 arrests.
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