Saturday, February 18, 2012

Occupy occtrocities: OWS objects to OWS edition

The Occupy movement claims to be leaderless, but this non-existent leaders are unhappy with an Alabama occupier who started an Occupy Wall Street Political Action Committee.

Later today I'll have more on the Chicago school occupation.

What else? Well, Occupy Albany is supporting a convicted cop killer, and of course, more arrests and evictions.

The Atlantic Wire: Occupy Wall Street objects to the Occupy Wall Street PAC
With all due respect to the late Bears fullback, it's a failing school. Chicago Sun-Times: Parents occupy school, demand to talk with Rahm
Daily Californian: 18 Occupy Cal protesters detained Friday morning
Las Vegas Sun: Occupy Las Vegas encampment to end, but backers say the movement won't
Yes! Orange Patch: Time for Occupy New Haven to leave the Green?
Boise Weekly: Occupy Boise prepares for eviction notice
Daily O'Collegian: Occupy movement has big problems
Weasel Zippers: Occupy Fashion Week a complete and total failure, five protesters show up…
Big Journalism: NBC's Chuck Todd previews how media will team with #Occupy to hammer Obama's GOP challengers
Rule of thumb. If Mumia favors it, I'm against it. Bay View: Mumia calls on you to 'Occupy 4 Prisoners' Monday, Feb. 20
Hot Air: Occupy movement pretty excited about supporting cop killer
Big Government: #OccupyAlbany announces second event supporting convicted cop killer
Newsbusters: Paul Krugman's revealing Playboy interview: Supports Occupy movement, defends revolting 9-11 anniversary comments
Big Government: AOL/Huffpo hosts convicted domestic terrorist & Occupy organizer; still threatening violence
Weasel Zippers: Occupier of the day…
I thought it was about greed. Progressive Alaska: Occupy fisheries - A positive move offshore
Big Journalism: Occupy women's pants: Debunking Keith Olbermann's pathetic defense of rape
Big Government: Anonymous takes out the FTC in protest Over ACTA, Google privacy
Living Lake Country: Mayor of Occupy Milwaukee
OWS Exposed: Occupy 90210: turning against Obama
Weasel Zippers: Mooch Arrives In Aspen For exclusive ski vacation with fellow one-percenters…
Gateway Pundit: Obama holds Nob Hill fundraiser… massive Tea Party breaks out – complete with "NoBama" finger wags
Occupy Arrests: 6,557 arrests.

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