The National Park Service, which administers the parks in the capital, doesn't allow campers to stay in the same spot for more than a week, but these K Street campers were allowed to stay for months.
I have over thirty other occtrocities. The DC raid could be forgotten tonight if Occupy Oakland riots again. And did Bill Maher call the occupiers "douchebags?" He did.
As for today's batch, I'm quite proud of it--lots of blogs--including a couple of lefty occtrocious ones.
Washington Post: Occupy D.C. raided by Park Police: Live updates
Gateway Pundit: Cops finally converge on #Occupy DC squatter's camp (Video)
KXAN-TV: City shuts down Occupy Austin
KTVU-TV: OPD prepares for another potentially violent Occupy protest
East Bay: OPD gets free facial recognition/video enhancement software to target Occupy Oakland
Gateway Pundit: Video shows Obama's #Occupy army hurling rocks, bottles and projectiles at police during Oakland riots
WIVB-TV: What was Occupy protest even about?
Daily Caller: Maher to leftover Occupy movement 'douchebags': 'Get a job'
Reuters: Occupy activists to protest right-to-work at Super Bowl
I thought it was about greed. Occupy Louisville protests NDAA by Occupying Mitch McConnell
As I was saying...Rockford Register Star: Occupy Rockford protests part of National Defense Authorization Act
Same. Progressive Playbook: Newest Occupy Chicago committee protests anti-choice bigots
Boston Globe: Hackers take over Boston Police Department website; message cites handling of Occupy Boston protest
San Jose Mercury News: Judge refuses to drop stay-away orders for Occupy Oakland protesters
Weasel Zippers: Occupier vandalism continues, "class war" spray painted on Wells Fargo, windows smashed, Starbucks targeted in Santa Barbara
Washington Examiner: Big labor plans 'Occupy CPAC'
LaborUnionReport: Unions plan siege on Conservative Political Action Conference [CPAC]
Marooned in Marin: Obama/DNC endorsed Occupy squatters & unions planning disruption of CPAC
This Ain't Hell But You Can See It From Here: Jay Polk: Another Occupy phony?
Pundit Press: Surprise! Iran using Occupy Wall Street slogans
The Steady Drip: Obama's the man leading the Occupy the Oval Office movement
Bare Naked Islam: Global Jihadists and their leftists supporters planning to 'Occupy Jerusalem'
Crime and Punishment: Occupy odds and ends: Safe initiative, smelly discovery
KHON-TV: Occupy Honolulu protestors ignore law and return to Thomas Square
Orlando Sentinel: Occupy Orlando protester found guilty of code violation but not trespassing
Scaramouche: The poster brat for Occupy Toronto
Tacoma News Tribune: State is changing its hands-off approach to Occupy Tacoma camp
Objective Conservative: Occupies want to bash Catholics too...
Scary. "Politically Depressed" the Ranch Chimp Journal: OCCUPY OAKLAND & DC: The private "DECLARATION OF WAR" on the American People & globe ... (THE AWAKENING PT.12)
I'm applying. Favianna: Small grants available for artist of the 99% & OCCUPY!
Commentarama: Occupy Oakland fails to occupy
DUmmie FUnnies: Pitt remembers: "Cindy Sheehan was the first #Occupier"
Examiner: Occupying the lunatic fringe
Auburn Journal; Obama's Occupy movement - Dis-owns its spawn
Say Anything: Occupy Wall Street protesters don't know much about the government they want to change
Times-Standard: New group protests Occupy Eureka's presence at courthouse; protesters encourage officials to clean up area in front of building
Independent: The Occupy crowd is destroying the little guy, not helping him
Occupy Arrests: 6,477 arrests
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