Monday, February 13, 2012

McConnell on Obama's budget: "This proposal isn’t really a budget at all"

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is another Republican official who dislikes President Obama's proposed budget. Here's what he said on the floor of the Senate earlier today:
This proposal isn't really a budget at all. It's a campaign document. This was a real opportunity for the President to get serious about the fiscal situation we face in the Obama economy, but once again, the president is shirking his responsibility to lead and using this budget to divide. The plan is obvious: Rather than reach out to members of Congress on a consensus budget, the President will take this budget on the road, as he is today, and talk about the parts he thinks audiences will like. What he won't say is that it's bad for job creation, bad for seniors, and that it will make the economy worse.
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