Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Perry statement on the New Hampshire Primary

Rick Perry decided to skip the New Hampshire Primary after his disappointing performance in last week's Iowa Caucuses. But his campaign isn't silent tonight.
LEESVILLE, S.C. - Gov. Rick Perry tonight issued the following statement:
Tonight's results in New Hampshire show the race for "conservative alternative" to Mitt Romney remains wide open. I skipped New Hampshire and aimed my campaign right at conservative South Carolina, where we've been campaigning hard and receiving an enthusiastic welcome. I believe being the only non-establishment outsider in the race, the proven fiscal and social conservative and proven job creator will win the day in South Carolina.

South Carolina is the next stop. I have a head start here, and it's friendly territory for a Texas governor and veteran with solid outsider credentials, the nation's best record of job creation, and solid fiscal, social and Tea Party conservatism.
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