Monday, January 30, 2012

Occupy occtrocities: Occupier marries building edition

This building is available for marriage
An occupier married a building in Seattle--no word on whether the union was consummated.

Lots of other stuff this morning. The smoke is still clearing from Saturday's Occupy Oakland riot, Occupy DC is about to be evicted, not-safe-for-work photographs, and sadly, more anti-Semitism.

Today's collection is comprised of a record 37 occtrocities.

Seattle Post-Intellegincer: Photos: Seattle woman weds doomed building
Weasel Zippers: Oakland police report more than 400 occupiers arrested during Saturday's protests…
Independent: Here we go again: Occupy march turns ugly
The Atlantic Wire: Occupy Oakland's raid on City Hall: The morning after
PJ Tatler: Occupy Pledge of Allegiance: "…and to the plutocracy for which it stands, the privately owned central bank, under the Jews…"
Not safe for work. Scared Monkeys: More from the Obama endorsed Occupy Oakland protests from this weekend … F#@k you pigs (VIDEO)
Pat Dollard: Live stream: Occupy Oakland – Two streams
Weasel Zippers: Raw video: Weapons seized from Occupy Oakland protesters after City Hall siege…
Gateway Pundit: Oakland Mayor Quan rethinks support for #occupiers after they break into City Hall & spray paint walls
MSNBC: Occupy DC faces 'noon' deadline to end camping
Big Government: EXCLUSIVE–Inside Occupy DC: 'Obama is not why the US Park Police are letting us stay'
Not safe for work. Washington City Paper: Photos: Occupy Alfalfa Club
Weasel Zippers: Occupy DC protesters protest against "one percent" outside event featuring Obama, glitter bomb Sen. Lieberman…
Washington Post: Tensions mount with arrest of Occupy D.C. protester and approach of deadline
Borderstan: Guest column: Occupy DC, let us have our park back
Wall Street Journal: 'Occupy' movement tries again in another park
KCCI-TV: Protesters arrested on Capitol grounds
Big Government: Occupy slams National Prayer Breakfast for '1 Percent'; will lead 'People's Prayer Breakfast' in protest
WROC-TV: Occupy Rochester supports Oakland comrades
BBC: Occupy Exeter to fight cathedral grounds eviction
Los Angeles Times: Sundance 2012: An Occupy movement (sort of) takes hold
WPRI-TV: Occupy Providence packing up Sunday
Jawa Report: #OccupyPajamas gets tased
Creative Loafing: Occupy Charlotte braces for the big eviction
CF News 13 Police: Occupy Tampa protester arrested for assault on TPD officer
Daily 49er: Occupy Long Beach continues despite low turnout
Buffalo News: Occupy Buffalo - how long?
NM Politics: Occupy Santa Fe needs to move differently
Student Life: Occupy the University meets in Mallinckrodt, few students attend
Guardian: Holed up in his hut: George, the last protester standing at Occupy Bristol
FrontPagMag: Will Occupiers get their violent Chicago riot?
Radio New Zealand: Occupy protesters out of square, a day after going back in
Guardian: Occupy London protesters evicted from City office block
Urban Infidel: OWS street graffiti: I see tent people
OWS Exposed: Occupiers vs. the Constitution (video)
Big Government: Racist Occupy Wall Street: Movement "clearly" has race problems says Occupy Newark leader
Occupy Arrests: 6,436 arrests.

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