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Lots of other stuff this morning. The smoke is still clearing from Saturday's Occupy Oakland riot, Occupy DC is about to be evicted, not-safe-for-work photographs, and sadly, more anti-Semitism.
Today's collection is comprised of a record 37 occtrocities.
Seattle Post-Intellegincer: Photos: Seattle woman weds doomed building
Weasel Zippers: Oakland police report more than 400 occupiers arrested during Saturday's protests…
Independent: Here we go again: Occupy march turns ugly
The Atlantic Wire: Occupy Oakland's raid on City Hall: The morning after
PJ Tatler: Occupy Pledge of Allegiance: "…and to the plutocracy for which it stands, the privately owned central bank, under the Jews…"
Not safe for work. Scared Monkeys: More from the Obama endorsed Occupy Oakland protests from this weekend … F#@k you pigs (VIDEO)
Pat Dollard: Live stream: Occupy Oakland – Two streams
Weasel Zippers: Raw video: Weapons seized from Occupy Oakland protesters after City Hall siege…
Gateway Pundit: Oakland Mayor Quan rethinks support for #occupiers after they break into City Hall & spray paint walls
MSNBC: Occupy DC faces 'noon' deadline to end camping
Big Government: EXCLUSIVE–Inside Occupy DC: 'Obama is not why the US Park Police are letting us stay'
Not safe for work. Washington City Paper: Photos: Occupy Alfalfa Club
Weasel Zippers: Occupy DC protesters protest against "one percent" outside event featuring Obama, glitter bomb Sen. Lieberman…
Washington Post: Tensions mount with arrest of Occupy D.C. protester and approach of deadline
Borderstan: Guest column: Occupy DC, let us have our park back
Wall Street Journal: 'Occupy' movement tries again in another park
KCCI-TV: Protesters arrested on Capitol grounds
Big Government: Occupy slams National Prayer Breakfast for '1 Percent'; will lead 'People's Prayer Breakfast' in protest
WROC-TV: Occupy Rochester supports Oakland comrades
BBC: Occupy Exeter to fight cathedral grounds eviction
Los Angeles Times: Sundance 2012: An Occupy movement (sort of) takes hold
WPRI-TV: Occupy Providence packing up Sunday
Jawa Report: #OccupyPajamas gets tased
Creative Loafing: Occupy Charlotte braces for the big eviction
CF News 13 Police: Occupy Tampa protester arrested for assault on TPD officer
Daily 49er: Occupy Long Beach continues despite low turnout
Buffalo News: Occupy Buffalo - how long?
NM Politics: Occupy Santa Fe needs to move differently
Student Life: Occupy the University meets in Mallinckrodt, few students attend
Guardian: Holed up in his hut: George, the last protester standing at Occupy Bristol
FrontPagMag: Will Occupiers get their violent Chicago riot?
Radio New Zealand: Occupy protesters out of square, a day after going back in
Guardian: Occupy London protesters evicted from City office block
Urban Infidel: OWS street graffiti: I see tent people
OWS Exposed: Occupiers vs. the Constitution (video)
Big Government: Racist Occupy Wall Street: Movement "clearly" has race problems says Occupy Newark leader
Occupy Arrests: 6,436 arrests.
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