Monday, January 30, 2012

Friday night Fast and Furious document dump: Holder knew about it months before he previously claimed

The Obama administration loves Friday night. That's when they "dump" embarrassing news. Last Friday was not an exception. Attorney General Eric Holder knew about the shooting of Border Agent Brian Terry on the day he was murdered--he was murdered with weapons from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms botched Fast and Furious sting operation, according to emails dumped on Friday. ATF is part of Holder's Department of Justice.

In May, Holder testified to the House Judiciary Committee that he only learned about Fast and Furious "a few weeks" earlier. He later walked back that statement, stating it was a “couple months" prior.

Holder will be questioned by the feisty House Oversight Committee on Thursday. I'll be watching on C-SPAN.

Let the good times roll.

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