Monday, January 02, 2012

Occupy occtrocities: OccuFail at Zuccotti edition

Buffalo Bill Home, Scott
County, Iowa
The occupiers attempted to retake, illegally, Zuccotti Park. Despite its name, the park is on private property. 68 of them were arrested. Also, the Iowa Caucuses, Jesse Jackson, and other occtrocities.

Scared Monkeys: #OWS: Occupy Wall Street protesters break New Years resolution to follow the law … thugs clash with police, break down barricades at Zuccotti Park and stab cop
Weasel Zippers: Wall Street Occupiers stab NYPD Officer, surround ambulance trying to rush him to the hospital…
Big Government: 'Occupy the Caucus' is basically a one man operation
Hawaii Reporter: Occupy Hawaii Island protesters gather near Pelosi's vacation resort
AP: Authorities say dollar bill over Occupy Kokomo protester's mouth violated courthouse rules
AP: Bloomington mayor reconsidering Occupy camp at city park after weekend protest arrests
Breitbart TV: Rose Parade caves to Occupy threats
Gateway Pundit: Fox News takes a look back at the criminal #Occupy movement from 2011 (Video)
Boston Globe: Occupy NH plans events ahead of primary
Big Government: Occupy movement comes to elementary schools
Albany Times Union: That's all, Occupy?
Barf alert. News Junkie Post: Occupy religion: Don't let religion occupy you
Urban Infidel: Occupy Wall Street in 2011 and the racist rager from Occupy Wall Street responds
Weasel Zippers: Occupy protesters demand to meet with DNC chief Wasserman Schultz ahead of Iowa Caucuses…
Guardian: Occupy Iowa caucus protesters storm Democrats' war room
Aging hippie alert. Baltimore Sun: Norman Lear: Occupy movement revives tradition of protest
Another barf alert--this one with cult-like chanting. Weasel Zippers: Jesse Jackson: “We will Occupy the streets and jail cells – until there is economic justice"…
Big Government: Higher education bubble: Columbia to offer 'Occupy 101' class

Related post:

Iowa I Opener: Buffalo Bill

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