Thursday, January 19, 2012

Hollywood elitist phony alert: Redford praises Obama in Huffington Post for stopping Keystone XL

Just in case you think I've been exaggerating my claim that Hollywood environmentalists pushed President Obama into denying a permit for the job-creating Keystone XL pipeline, Robert Redford comes to his defense in Huffington Post. Redford can afford to pay $5 for a gallon of gasoline. He can afford $500 a gallon.

Oh, that oil was going to come from Canada.

Speaking of Canada, Redford's next film is The Company You Keep. He plays--I'm not making this up--a former Weather Underground terrorist who is hiding in upstate New York. Redford also directs.

Where was this movie filmed?

Vancouver, Canada--presumably because the labor costs are less.

British Columbia of course looks just like New York state, right?

UPDATE January 20: Redford used the opening of his Sundance festival to criticize Mitt Romney.

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robins111 said...

Frankly Canadians are getting extremely sick of the scabby old has-beens like Redford or flacid old hags like Darrell Hannah flying up hear on private jets telling us what we're doing wrong.

Marathon Pundit said...


Oh, those would be solar-powered jets, right?

Anonymous said...

Ever seen an ariel shot of what the Keystone project is doing? Doesnt take a scientist to see its pretty much a massacre of everything geographical. And why dont you do some homework and watch Gashole? Find out the technology to get 1000 MPG has existed since the 1940s, true. So instead of clinging on to cromagnon technology, and bitching about $5 a gal gas, pull your skinhead out of your Cosby sweater and get a clue asshole. You are the exact reason this country is fucked, you and the feeble minded masses like you. Shit on by the 1% oil barons and their corporate ilk, and you lick their assholes clean and say thank you, may I have another? You havent got the guts to approve this to show up, too scared to let people read reality and question it and you I bet. Grow up man, act like one for once in your lousy life BOY.

Wanderlust said...

Oh, my. Sounds like "Anonymous" is a Fundie (trust fund baby) who got off his meds. Jeez.

I'm sure he'd much rather get his gasoline from oil sourced in places like Nigeria (where the locals routinely cut holes into pipelines to steal oil and gasoline, leaving it to pollute the ground in the vicinity of the spill), or Russia, where environmental laws are selectively enforced on expat managers but not the locals.

And while this idiot is happy to see Keystone killed, I'll bet he also owns an iPad. Not only does he get to use crude oil-based products while allowing himself to be blindly ignorant of where plastics come from, he's also happy to use products from China where the workers who build Apple products are routinely begged to not commit suicide.

Looks like the only asshole being licked is your own, by what passes for the logic that you claim to be using in your post, "Anonymous".

Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous, your momma's calling...time to suckle her teat

Anonymous said...

Redford needs to drop dead. Moron in the same form as Matt Damon.

RonC said...

really!?!? who actually gives a crap what that moron redford sez???

Anonymous said...

While there seems to be alot of us named "anonymous" on here, Im just dropping in to drop a line, otherwise Id join ~ avatar etc. Im writing in response to the "anonymous" who used the flowery language concerning the anal slurping and such. And to some of the follow ups he got. I would bet he is a tree hugger whose never turned on an Apple product as he has never owned one, hes a PC you see. And I gather he is painfully aware where plastic comes from and hoards plastic bottles for the day when manufacturers are digging in landfills for plastics to melt down as to make car dashboards, toothbrushes, TV casings etc. I bet he knows about China and their factories full of kids 6 yrs old working their nimble little fingers to the bone 18 hrs a day 365 of them a year for 12 cents an hour whilst living in one of 60 little rooms with 9 others just like her. 60 rooms in each of the 20 buildings on the factory grounds is where they spend the other 6 hrs of those 365 days. And how they are making anal beads to ship to all the sex shops here in the United States, and chances are one day when their fingers get too big at age 12, theyll be pulling those very same anal beads they made out of the sphincter of a 55 yr old Exxon CEO who is in China on his annual sex tour of child brothels paying bargain rates, for he is big American man who she "will love long time" dontcha know. And I bet he knows how old man Sam Waltons kids had it all set up to get rid of those signs all over every Wal-Mart that read 'Made in USA' as soon as Sam kicked the bucket so as the Chinese goods could come flooding in. And maybe they even laced his morning coffee & evening tea with arsenic to hurry him on to that happy hunting ground in the sky with his faithful dog Ol' Roy at his side. Also so they could pay slave wages to the 'associates' as they are called (inside joke so Walton kids could refer to them as the 'asses' during board room meetings) giving them the phone number of the local Welfare agency when they hired them in. One can understand such pratice, each Walton child is only worth $12 Billion. And now you can see why they hire decrepit old people as greeters so they can collect $500,000 life insurance on them upon their death, they are affectionately known as "dead peasants". And he probably knows there is the Volkswagen Lupo sold in Europe from 1998 to 2005 that gets 70 MPG that never sold in America and you cannot bring one into the US.....hhhmmmm. I bet he even knows that electric cars were used and more common until England and France in 1918 began the crusade to take over all the oil in the Middle East and bombed the Hell out of it till they got exactly that. By the way, July 24, 1920 is a day you should research. Now I can see your point in how hes not aware of them damn Nigerians and how they sabotage the oil lines and such, but I can also see his point in asking what the Hell is any country aside from Nigeria doing sucking Nigerias oil out of Nigerias ground? And why do we even need to run cars on gasoline? Why not electric, natural gas, hydrogen, or the used fryer oil from behind every restaurant in the world? Why refine oil into gasoline? Its such a poisonous wasteful process and we could use the sweet crude left in the Mesopatamia region for lubrication purposes and plastic manufacturing. Why burn it for Gods sake? To prop up a bunch of old fossil oil barons who screw you everytime you pull that gas cap off? You see people, he is asking you all why do you bicker amongst yourselves? Why dont you LΘΘK at the bigger picture? You seem to defend all these politicians, when in reality they are all in the same bed having a giant orgy. And the joke is on you who want to laugh at the nutter whos "off his meds" because in that orgy... YOU are the ones getting screwed.

Anonymous said...

I was sent a link to this thread with a reccomendation to check it out. Have to admit, am glad I did. Allow me to half-introduce myself, I put it to you this way for in order to do that you must view a film called "The International". Not only will you get an introduction, but you will be entertained in the process. You see, I am one of the people this movie was based upon. Until you see it, some of the following you will not be fully able to comprehend. Just for the moment, I will write this to you assuming you have by now rented, bought and viewed the motion picture "The International". As I said, Im the banker you see. And the reason I write this to you is to say there is no "HOLLYWOOD" to this picture aside from the very end, even then there is still the truth that there WILL be at least 100 others behind me to take my place. All of the above comments, specifically the two by 'you're licking asshole' and 'the jokes on you' ...are pretty much dead on. As one of the shadowed few elite of the "1%" I can tell you those two nailed it. And the beautiful thing is the nay-sayers of these... the neo-cons, the Republican little people, they all fall perfectly into our plans just like the sheep you are. The biggest thorn in our side is that for the moment, the American voter still wields a small amount of power. Not enough now to matter any longer, but its vital that the radical right wing maintain the edge they have. It ensures the status quo remains intact, the boat isnt rocked you see. The most amazing thing to all of us, is that the "Joe Plumbers" of the US keep voting against their own best interest, not only amazing us, but providing a good laugh as well. Nothing you 99% do will ever change a single thing now, we wealthy own you, the country... matter of fact the world. The only thing you could possibly do to fuck up our playground is invest in alternative energy, free yourselves from the archaic cycle of relying on fossil fuels that enslave you to our complete control. In reality, that will never happen for you simply do not have the intelligence. The 'joke' post, well he had it right you see, you will all keep bickering amongst yourselves about the most menial irrevelant bullshit thereby ensuring you will never figure out we throw it out there like dog food for you to scarf up. And oh how you wolf it down. The proof is easy to see, instead of converting to alternative energy of which the technology has long been perfected, as pointed out by 'ass lickers' post.... you are literally trying to get oil from rocks ie: Keystone. Stay thirsty my friends!