Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Occupy occtrocities: Denver is burning edition

Occupy Denver Obamaville, Nov. 12
Fear! Fire! Foes! Awake! That was a warning cry used by the Hobbits in the "Scouring of the Shire" chapter of The Lord of the Rings.

Today's record number high occtrocities:

Denver Post: Denver cops clear Occupy Denver; protesters set shelters aflame, then take to streets
HotAirPundit: Occupy Denver protesters trash Civic Center Park (Video)
KMTR: Man hospitalized with life-threatening injuries after Occupy Eugene camp assault
KVAL: Police increase presence at Occupy Eugene camp
Vancouver Sun: Occupy Vancouver costs city nearly $1 million – and the bills aren't all in
OWS Exposed: 8 Iowa occupiers arrested at Democratic HQ
Daily Mail: St Paul's protest camp 'is a magnet for crime', court hears as anti-capitalists pledge to hold two-week Christmas party
Say Anything: Study: Occupy Wall Street motivations are 'self centered" and "fear based"
Huffington Post UK: Occupy London: Tank-driving protesters take over abandoned old street magistrates court to 'put 1% on trial'
Albany Times-Union: Sleeping Occupy member attacked
Telegraph: Occupy Wall Street protester defends Kim Jong-il's North Korea
Rebelpundit: Occupy Chicago eyes headquarters in striking distance of G-8/ NATO summits
Atlantic Wire: Occupy Amazon is a tough movement to get behind
KSAT: Four more "Occupy SA" protestors arrested
Big Hollywood: #OccupyBatman: "Dark Knight Rises" villainess(?) spouts Obama campaign theme
OWS Exposed: OWS, the anti-stimulus, shuts-down NYC business
Darien Patch: Occupy Darien to cost $10,000 in police overtime
Brattleboro Reformer: Brattleboro Occupy camp removed
Support Your Local Gunfighter: What's next, Occupy Monongahela?
National Review Online: The stench of 'Occupy,' &c.
San Francisco Chronicle: Oakland council acts to sink Occupy port blockades
How convenient! Baltimore Sun: Occupy Baltimore considering new sites, including youth jail, endangered post office
New Zealand Herald: Occupy Dunedin protest over
Where Cheney spoke:
Brown Palace Hotel
CBS 6 Richmond: Occupy Richmond leaving mayor's neighborhood
Daily Camera: Police chase Occupy Boulder protesters from city manager's home
Greensboro News & Record: Police break up Occupy Winston-Salem protest
Whittier Daily News: Cornel West lends support to Occupy the Rose Parade
LaborUnionReport: Time for a telethon? #OWS donations plummet with temperatures
Duluth News Tribune: Labor group cuts ties with Occupy Duluth
Westworld: Occupy Denver confronts cloaked man who might or might not be Dick Cheney (video) (My note: Probably not.)
Toronto Sun: Occupy protesters make their Marx
Occupy chant: "The people united, will never be divided."
WIVB: Occupy Buffalo conflict prompts split

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