Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Ill. House votes down resolution honoring Occupy Chicago

Occupy Chicago poster,
Illinois' Democratic-controlled House of Representatives voted down a resolution that would have honored Occupy Chicago. The five occupiers I saw at their headquarters on the sidewalk on the corner of Jackson and LaSalle this morning are no doubt crushed by this news.

Illinois Review reports:
State Rep. Rosemary Mulligan (R-Park Ridge) said constituents have told her they're afraid to go downtown to see the Christmas parade because of Occupy Chicago. "These people should not be honored on the Illinois House floor," she said.
And they weren't. It was ix nay for the Occupy hoo-ray, 31 ayes were countered by 58 nays, with 15 not voting.

There is hope for Springfield yet.

Related posts:

Video: Just 5 Occupy Chicago protesters on duty

Video: OccuFlop Chicago

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bucklaw said...

God Bless, on one side you say that people are afraid to visit the parade because of 5 people and on the other that we only have five people. Interesting misrepresentation of the truth. Why would tough Chicogians be afraid of five people?

Marathon Pundit said...

At the rallies I've attended, before the shrinkage, there were up to 3,000 of you. To be fair, there have not any vicious crimes at Occupy Chicago--the lack of an Obamaville has helped--but there have been drug overdoses, a suicide, a murder, several shootings, topless women, public urination, and rapes in other cities. If you read my blog regularly, which I recommend, you will view the legislator's comment within the proper context.