The American people should not be punished with a $1.5 trillion tax increase to pay for this Administration's record-setting deficits and second round of stimulus spending. These are the same recycled tax hikes that President Obama has been pushing since he was elected and they will put a heavy, wet blanket on an economy that is already struggling with over 9% unemployment and weak job growth. The best way to increase revenues is with new jobs, not higher taxes. If more spending and bigger government helped create jobs, our economy would be booming.Related post:
My Blueprint for America's Comeback is a comprehensive pro-growth plan for jobs that includes major tax reform to help businesses invest, expand and hire, not burden them with increased costs. America needs comprehensive tax reform, not a piecemeal approach that only adds to an already monstrous tax code, while hindering job creation and increasing economic uncertainty. By instituting a simpler and fairer tax code, unleashing our plentiful energy resources, and reining in Washington's wasteful spending – American businesses can create millions of new jobs, which will increase revenues, without raising taxes.
CPAC 2011 video: George Allen talks about union card check
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