From the Allen campaign:
Henrico, VA –George Allen released the following statement regarding Labor Day:Related post:
On this Labor Day, Americans deserve urgent action to create jobs by reinvigorating the entrepreneurial spirit of America. Most new jobs will be created by new and small businesses. We need positive leadership to revive our economy with proven, constructive solutions to improve our competitiveness and restore the promise of the American Dream.
Since 2009, federal spending has jumped 30%, the national debt has risen to almost $15 trillion and the cost of complying with Washington's job-strangling regulations has reached nearly $2 trillion. If growing the government was the answer to creating jobs, America's economy wouldn't be stuck at 9% unemployment with millions looking for work.
Unleashing our energy resources, reducing taxes on job-creating businesses and reining in this out-of-control federal government will clear the path for millions of new jobs. We have the ability and ideas to once again send the message to the world that "America is Open for Business!"
CPAC 2011 video: George Allen talks about union card check
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Is this the "macaca" George Allen? Geez, he's got some cajones thinking he can win after that debacle.
Obama..."Navy corpseman."
"We've been to 57 states, with one more to go."
Compared his bowling to a special Olympics athlete.
Well, of your three examples, the only comparable statement is the last one, as the others are errors (on par with many of the stupid things most candidates say at least once during a long campaign) and could not be deemed offensive. Further, although it was a bad attempt at humor, that's what Obama's Special Olympics comment was, as it was said on a comedy show. Not true for Allen. And by the way, as the parent of a Special Olympic's participant, I (speaking only for myself) was not offended. What is offensive is attempts by Republicans to cut funding to Special Olympics while simultaneously supporting tax cuts for billionaires.
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