Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Club for Growth to "key vote" NLRB overreach

Boeing HQ, Chicago
How is this for "transformational change?" President Obama has placed the NLRB, which was until 2010 an obscure agency, on the front store window of both the presidential and congressional campaigns for next year.

From The Hill:

The deep-pocketed, fiscally conservative Club for Growth will include in its "key votes" a bill that seeks to dramatically limit the National Labor Relations Board's abilities to regulate business. "Key votes" is a scorecard that helps Club for Growth decide which Democrats — and Republicans — to attack in elections.

The NLRB, long an unpopular institution on the right, has recently become a punching bag due to an official complaint it issued against Boeing for opening a plant in South Carolina, a right-to-work state, rather than its traditional base of Washington state in order to avoid having to deal with unionized workers.

Republicans have jumped on the issue as an example of egregious government overreach, while most Democrats defend the NLRB's decision as protecting fair labor practices in the United States.

Rep. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) has introduced a bill that would "prohibit the National Labor Relations Board from ordering any employer to close, relocate, or transfer employment under any circumstance," which would render the agency unable to enforce labor rules.
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