Friday, June 17, 2011

Video: Netroot blasts Obama over lack of jobs

If you are a Democrat and you've lost the Netroots, you are in big trouble.

President Obama appears to have lost one. White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer gets a surprisingly tough question from a Daily Kos reader. Pfieffer rather unconvincingly falls back on a tired Obamanomics response to fix the economy: Infrastructure, clean energy, a national wireless program...the same stuff that hasn't worked since 2009.

"With a 9.1 percent unemployment rate, the interviewer asks, "why wouldn't we have a jobs bill? [Applause.]

Oh, Pfeiffer reminds the audience that everything--okay, I'm exaggerating--is the Republicans fault. Hope and change, baby!

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1 comment:

OldSouth said...


The gent treated us to uneasy coughs as he began every response. He is in an unenviable position, because the last thing he can do is admit his boss's failure.

And if the far left still believe that any government can enact legislation and divine jobs from thin air, they are in for more bitter disappointments ahead.

Thanks for posting this...