Thursday, June 23, 2011

From the SRCC: Tax increases ‘most important to us Democrats’

Earlier today Republicans pulled out of the deficit-reduction talks.

The Democrats want more spending.

From the Senate Republican Communications Center:

Tax Increases ‘Most Important To Us Democrats’

‘The Talks Frayed Over Democrats' Insistence That Tax Increases … Be Part Of The Final Deal’

SENATE DEM MESSAGE MAN: ‘Tax -- You Know, Revenue Increases’

“Baucus made clear that the talks frayed over Democrats' insistence that tax increases of some sort be part of the final deal.” (“Baucus: Revenues In Debt Limit Deal Should Match Medicare Cuts,” TPM, 6/23/11)

VICE PRESIDENT BIDEN: “…the pieces most important to us Democrats, revenue.” “If we could agree on the pieces most important to us Democrats, revenue, we’re prepared to agree on some of the things that you (Republicans) want in discretionary spending…” (“Senate GOP Keeps High Bar In Debt Talks,” Politico, 6/20/11)

“I think revenue is needed for a whole host of reasons, and more importantly, I think, leadership is needed — leadership is needed on both sides of the aisle, and on both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue…” (“Cantor Pulls Out Of Biden Debt Talks Over Dem Tax Demands,” The Hill, 6/23/11)

Q: “But it can't be done without revenue enhancement, in your opinion?” HARRY REID(D-NV): “Well, it can't be done without revenue enhancement…” (PBS’s “NewsHour,” 6/17/11)

· SEN. HARRY REID (D-NV): “I think we have to look at revenues, more -- more fairly balance revenues. And I hope that that's what the president will talk about tomorrow.” (Sen. Reid, Press Briefing, 4/12/11)

SEN. KENT CONRAD (D-ND): We “have a revenue problem.” “I hear all the time the other side of the aisle: It is a spending problem. When you have a deficit, that is the result of the difference between revenue and spending. We have a spending problem, yes, indeed--the highest spending as a share of national income in 60 years. We also have a revenue problem…” (Sen. Conrad, Congressional Record, S.3316, 5/25/11)

SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER (D-NY): “Some of our Republican colleagues don't want to acknowledge that any revenue should be part of this. But that will be impossible to achieve, I think.” (Sen. Schumer And Former Deputy Secretary Of The Treasury Roger Altman, “News Teleconference On The Debt Ceiling,” 5/9/11)

· SCHUMER: “We have to come to the middle and deal with our deficit problem, and deal with it in a smart way. And you can't do it alone with either tax -- you know, revenue increases or spending cuts.” (MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” 4/27/11)

· SCHUMER: “[M]ore importantly, there have to be revenues.” “You need to share sacrifice... You can't -- there's waste there [in the defense budget] like everywhere else. And even more importantly, there have to be revenues.” (CBS’ “Face The Nation,” 4/10/11)

SEN. BERNIE SANDERS (ID-VT): “At least 50 percent of any deficit reduction plan must come from increased revenue from the wealthy and large corporations.” “As a Vermont Senator and a member of the Budget Committee, I will not support a plan to reduce the deficit that does not call for shared sacrifice. At least 50 percent of any deficit reduction plan must come from increased revenue from the wealthy and large corporations.” (Sen. Sanders, Congressional Record, S.3319, 5/25/11)

SEN. AMY KLOBUCHAR (D-MN): “In addition to cuts in spending and efforts to streamline our government, we also need to take a serious look at revenues…” (Sen. Klobuchar, Congressional Record, S.2369, 4/12/11)

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