Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Dems in House feel jilted by Obama

Barack Obama promised "a new kind of politics" in 2008. Well, Democrats, look what you ended up with now.

From The Hill:

House Democrats feel like jilted lovers.

They're looking down Pennsylvania Avenue for some sign of affection from President Obama in the White House. But all they feel they're getting in return is the back of his hand.

"How is it that the House Democrats played such an important role [in the majority], and all of a sudden [the White House says], 'Forget it, we'll work with the Senate and the Republican leadership?'" asked Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas), vice chairman of the Democrats’ Steering and Policy Committee.

House Democrats' frustration with Obama is boiling in the intense heat of negotiations to reach a budget deal and raise the nation’s $14.3 trillion debt ceiling.
Hope and change, baby!

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