Saturday, May 07, 2011

Scott Brown delivers Weekly GOP Address on America's fight against terror

At the end of a very good week for America's fight against terrorism, Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA), a 31-year member of the Air National Guard, delivers today's Weekly GOP Address.

Here's some of what Brown said:

Bin Laden's killing was the result of coordinated efforts going back many years. It was the dramatic conclusion of patient intelligence gathering begun long before, and the work of a military that is second to none. The operation was a model of sustained, concentrated military action, and the example will not be lost on other terrorists. Any escape they make will be temporary. Any sanctuary they find will be uncovered. Those who harm or threaten the American people will be dealt with, on our terms, however long it takes. This was the pledge of President George W. Bush in the days after 9/11, and he kept it in seven years of relentless, decisive action against the al-Qaeda network. In the case of Bin Laden, it fell to President Obama to give the final order. He did so calmly, swiftly, and decisively. It was a fine moment for our commander-in-chief and for our country.
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