Monday, May 02, 2011

Build the new LAAR plane here, not Brazil

Jobs of course are a scarce commodity in America. The US Air Force is seeking a light attack and armed reconnaissance (LAAR) aircraft. The plane is needed to aid conter-insurgency actions in theatres of action such as Iraq and Afghanistan. Yes, Usama Bin Laden is dead, but the War on Terror is not over.

Two firms are pursuing the LAAR contract. Kansas-based Hawker Beechcraft and a Brazilian company, Embraer.

Hawker Beechcraft has a long and successful history of producing aircraft for our military, Embraer does not.

For almost two years I wrote about the wisdom of choosing Boeing over European manufactuer EADS to build the KC-X tanker, which will mean thousands of new jobs for Americans.

What's good enough for the KC-X is good enough for LAAR. Build the aircraft here.

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