Saturday, April 09, 2011

Schilling statement on budget deal

Very early this morning Rep. Bobby Schilling (R-IL) released the following statement regarding the budget deal that averted a government shutdown.

The last Congress failed to pass a budget and never met a spending increase it didn't like. I was sent to Washington to cut spending and provide a check on growing government. This morning we were able to avoid a shutdown, ensure our servicemen and women would continue to be paid, and set the framework for legislation that would cut $38.5 billion from our national debt.

The cuts we made this morning represent another way in which the national dialogue is changing from "how much to spend" to "how much to cut." Once we finish cleaning up last year's mess we can focus on debating the ambitious budget proposal unveiled this week that would cut more than $6 trillion in federal spending over the next decade and put us back on the path towards fiscal responsibility.
Related posts:

From the SRCC: Ryan budget--a sharp contrast

Ryan unveils "path to prosperity"; Roskam statement on budget proposal

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