Today's brutal crackdown by the Syrian regime on peaceful demonstrators is unacceptable. With at least 75 Syrians killed by their government today and 200 more in recent weeks, the United States must send a clear and strong signal to the people of Syria that we support their drive towards freedom and getting rid of the Assad regime. President Obama should immediately recall the ambassador that he sent to Syria and move to invoke additional economic sanctions. Moreover, he should instruct the US Ambassador to the UN to call a special meeting of the Security Council to condemn the Syrian regime's murderous conduct.Friday is the day for mosque services for Muslims and Syria has a large Christian population--today of course is Good Friday.
As the world pauses to celebrate this holy weekend, our thoughts and prayers are with today's victims and all those around the world who are denied their rights to freedom of religion, free speech, and democracy.
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The government have to do something to end these protests and also they do not have to kill the protesters they can end this problem through the peace talks only so they have to make a discussion with protesters and kill this problem immediately the forces have killed the protesters they might be thought if they kill protesters then the protests will be end but they dont know that international community will not be calm to see these cruel murders they will do something to end this problem.
In my opinion, Syrian protests are a disgrace to the whole country. People of Syria are destroying their own country without any good reason. I hope they grow up soon!
These killings are commonly held in Syria what is doing The U.N.? these killings must be stopped and the the Syrian government must apologize for these killings and leave their posts immediately otherwise the U.N. send their coalition forces to the Syria and take necessary action against that cruel government.
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