Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Walker and GOP win: Collective bargaining ends for Wisconsin public-sector workers

Using some legislative editing wizardry, the Wisconsin Senate voted to almost complete eliminate union collective bargaining for public-sector workers. What the majority Republicans did was separate the non-fiscal matters from its budget-rescue bill. As for those Democrats who have been hiding in northern Illinois for the last three weeks? They wasted their time. But my state is a little bit richer, financially if not intellectually so, by their presence.

Thanks! And remember, state senators, to tip your servers and room attendants. And buy souvenirs for your family. But don't be cheap.

Related post:

Rockford IL tourism video with Rick Nielsen: "Are you a state Senator from Wisconsin?"

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1 comment:

Atlanta Roofing said...

Walker is using the GOP tactic of creating a financial crisis and attacking worker rights before the smoke clears. The GOP has been doing this for a long time. It's cowardly. His first action in office was to give 140 million in tax breaks to corporatio¬ns, thereby creating a budget shortfall. Then he blamed it on unions so he could bust them.