Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Soviet Army postcard from 1964 with my wife's cousin

Custom-postcards were popular with the people of the Soviet Union, while cameras were for the most part available to them, developing film, a messy and painstaking process, had to be done at home.

That's particulary difficult to do for army soldiers. Which is why Mrs. Marathon Pundit's cousin, Ivars Rimša, sent a postcard from Moscow to his family in Latvia in 1964.

The message says "Greetings from the Army!"

Related posts:

Twenty years ago: Latvia's Barricade Days
Riga Doms and Latvia's Barricade Days
Latvia 20 years after independence: Tearing down a Stučka statue
1990 bread line in Riga, Latvia
Potato harvesting in Latvia in the early 1970s
From the other side of the Iron Curtain: Gas mask drill in Latvia
Monument to the Heroic Defenders of Leningrad

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Dr X said...

Interesting. Do you know if they went to a studio to make this or was it more like a photo booth? Some other process?

Marathon Pundit said...

I'll ask Mrs. Marathon Pundit.