Tuesday, March 01, 2011

San Francisco stinks because of costly low-flow toilets

One of the thrones in the liberal Valhalla of San Fransisco is the low-flow toilet. These commodes uses less water--perhaps. But stubborn "solid matter" doesn't cooperate with the mind flow of environmentalists, so multiple flushing is often required to finish the job.

The city offers $125 rebates to install low flow toilets. But the costs don't end there. The paucity of flowing water has caused sludge to back up in San Francisco sewers--causing a stench in the area of AT&T Park.

The San Francisco Chronicle says the city has already spent $100 million to fight the sewer stench, and will spend $14 million to pour bleach into the city's sewers and water supply to fight the stench.

These environmental initiatives sure are expensive. And that really stinks.

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