Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Public-sector union tool Quinn named chief fundraiser for Democratic Governors Association

Illinois: Where public-sector
unions prevail
If there was ever any doubt that the Democratic Party is the party of the public-sector unions, here is the clincher: Illinois Governor Pat Quinn, who eked out a win last fall with the financial help of those unions, is the new finance chair of the Democratic Governors Association.

There are four gubernatorial races this fall--in Kentucky, Louisiana, West Virginia, and Mississippi.

Illinois is suffering under a $15 billion deficit. In January, Quinn rammed through an income tax increase that was double the one he said he favored during the campaign. The public-sector unions of course favored those tax hikes.

While other states, even some with Democratic governors, are talking about cutting spending, Quinn is spending more, he wants to borrow billions--despite the tax increase--and he wants to add jobs to the state payroll.

DGA chairman Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley is said to be "very pleased" Quinn is on board.

Forget about O'Malley: Quinn is the face of the Democratic governors.

Quinn's two-time running mate, Rod Blagojevich, was also quite adept at collecting cash from public-sector unions.

Hat tip to Capitol Fax.

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