From the Senate Republican Communications Center:
Job Creators: Proposed EPA Regulations A ‘Potentially Devastating Blow To Job Creation’
‘Now Is Not The Time To Allow EPA To Impose What Could Prove To Be The Most Costly, Burdensome, And Expansive Set Of Job-Killing Regulations Ever Crafted’
U.S. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: “As The U.S. Economy Struggles To Get Back On Track, Now Is Not The Time To Allow EPA To Impose What Could Prove To Be The Most Costly, Burdensome, And Expansive Set Of Job-Killing Regulations Ever Crafted. … The American Council for Capital Formation has estimated that EPA’s greenhouse gas regulations could reduce business investment between $97 and $290 billion in 2011 and as much as $309 billion in 2014. EPA’s own records indicate that permitting provisions alone will cost applicants $125,000 and 866 hours of burden per facility. EPA has issued a guidance document to provide information to state regulator permitting agencies, but this guidance provides little clarity and virtually ensures that most permits will be taken to court. The resulting uncertainty is forcing businesses to curtail, or even cancel their investments—a potentially devastating blow to job creation and economic development at the worst possible time.” (U.S. Chamber Of Commerce, Letter To Members Of The U.S. Senate, 3/15/11)
• “The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the world’s largest business federation representing the interests of more than three million businesses and organizations of every size, sector, and region, strongly supports an amendment offered by Sen. McConnell to S.493, the ‘SBIR/STTR Reauthorization Act of 2011,’ which would block the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from imposing an unprecedented, uncontrollable new set of regulations on emitters of greenhouse gases—regulations with significant costs but negligible impact on global temperatures.” (U.S. Chamber Of Commerce, Letter To Members Of The U.S. Senate, 3/15/11)
EPA Regulations Will ‘Establish Disincentives For The Long-Term Investments Necessary To Grow Jobs’
NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MANUFACTURERS: “At A Time When Our Economy Is Attempting To Recover From The Most Severe Recession Since The 1930s, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Regulations, With No Guidance From Congress, Will Establish Disincentives For The Long-Term Investments Necessary To Grow Jobs And Expedite Economic Recovery.” (National Association Of Manufacturers, Letter To Members Of The U.S. Senate, 3/15/11)
• “The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), the largest manufacturing association in the United States, representing manufacturers in every industrial sector and in all 50 states, urges you to support the Energy Tax Limitation Amendment, sponsored by Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY), to S. 493.” (National Association Of Manufacturers, Letter To Members Of The U.S. Senate, 3/15/11)
‘We Should Be Creating Conditions That Encourage Domestic Job Growth – Not Driving Jobs Overseas’
THE FERTILIZER INSTITUTE: “At A Time When Our Nation Is Experiencing A Sluggish Recovery From A Significant Recession, We Should Be Creating Conditions That Encourage Domestic Job Growth – Not Driving Jobs Overseas. We believe that Congress must act now to assert its authority over the regulation of greenhouse gases. Imposing a temporary delay of regulatory action will only increase uncertainty at a time when our country should be moving forward, creating jobs and growing our economy, not building roadblocks to recovery.” (The Fertilizer Institute, Letter To Members Of The U.S. Senate, 3/15/11)
• “The U.S. fertilizer industry is an important element of the American economy directly employing nearly 25,000 people and producing over $15 billion in output on an annual basis. The total contribution to the economy from the industry including input and supply chain is $57.8 billion per year, which supports over 244,500 jobs. The fertilizer industry provides an input that is indispensable to American agriculture and ensures a ready supply of high-quality food for American consumers.” (The Fertilizer Institute, Letter To Members Of The U.S. Senate, 3/15/11)
EPA Rules Could ‘Harm The Future Competitiveness Of Key Industries That Provide Good Jobs In Our States’
MIDWEST POWER COALITION: EPA Rules Could “Harm The Future Competitiveness Of Key Industries That Provide Good Jobs In Our States.” “The MPC believes it is equally important that Congress thoroughly examine the cumulative impact all of the EPA’s impending air, water, and solid waste rules will have on the Midwest. Several studies have suggested that these rules could threaten the grid’s reliability, increase electricity costs for our customers, and harm the future competitiveness of key industries that provide good jobs in our states.” (Midwest Power Coalition, Letter To Sen. Inhofe, 3/14/11)
‘EPA’s Ill-Considered Regulation, If Left Unchallenged, Will … Set Back Efforts To Create Jobs’
NATIONAL MINING ASSOCIATION: “EPA’s Ill-Considered Regulation, If Left Unchallenged, Will Drive Up Electricity Costs For Consumers And Basic Industry And Set Back Efforts To Create Jobs And Economic Opportunity. That’s why this amendment is necessary. It will protect hundreds of thousands of households and businesses that rely heavily on coal-based generation for affordable electricity. It provides clear certainty to manufacturing industries and power companies reluctant to expand capacity or their workforce out of the understandable fear of higher costs from EPA’s regulatory mandates and impractical compliance deadlines.” (National Mining Association, “NMA Welcomes McConnell-Inhofe Measure Blocking EPA From Raising Energy Costs, Unemployment,” 3/16/11)
‘(EPA) Efforts To Regulate Such Gases … Are Likely To Result In Unnecessarily High Costs’
AMERICAN PUBLIC POWER ASSOCIATION: “(EPA) Efforts To Regulate Such Gases Under The Statute Are Causing Undue Uncertainty For The Electric Utility Sector And Are Likely To Result In Unnecessarily High Costs.” “On behalf of the American Public Power Association, I am writing to express our support for the Energy Tax Prevention Act. APPA is the national service organization representing the interests of over 2,000 community-owned, non-for-profit electric utilities. These utilities include state public power agencies, municipal electric utilities, and special utility districts that provide electricity and other services to over 46 million Americans. APPA believes that the Clean Air Act (CAA) is not appropriately designed to address greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and that the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) efforts to regulate such gases under the statute are causing undue uncertainty for the electric utility sector and are likely to result in unnecessarily high costs. … For these reasons, APPA supports congressional action to preempt EPA’s authority to regulate GHG emissions under the CAA.” (American Public Power Association, Letter To Sen. Inhofe, 3/9/11)
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