Sunday, February 20, 2011

Blizzard, thaw, then rain: North Branch of the Chicago River in Morton Grove

In the last three weeks, the Chicago area has experienced its third worst blizzard in history, a thaw, and today, heavy rain. Which has pushed the North Branch of the Chicago River over its banks in Morton Grove's Linne Woods.

The river covers the path just before the Horse Bridge.

The Horse Bridge was built to connect the bridal path along the river, although walkers and runners, such as myself, also use it.

One final look. Near the bridge is the Linne Woods restored prairie, which is fitting. Linne Woods is named for Carl von Linné, better known as Carl Linnaeus, the 18th-century botanist who created binomial nomenclature, which is how plant and animal species are classified.

Linne Woods is accessible from Dempster just east of Lehigh.

Related posts:

Blizzard 2011 photos, Morton Grove, Illinois
More Morton Grove 2011 blizzard pics

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