Thursday, January 13, 2011

Daley: Don't blame Palin for Tucson killings

Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley says Sarah Palin is not to blame for the Tuscon shooting rampage:
America has to blame people . . . . That’s the thing that really bothers me. They’re trying to blame the left or the right or Sarah Palin. Or they’re trying to blame political ads or rhetoric on TV. . . . . It has nothing to do with it.
But the longtime Democratic mayor of Chicago has not turned conservative in his old age. He remains an advocate for strong gun-control laws.

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Anonymous said...

This is the first time ever that someone dares publicly to consider the hypotesis that 9/11 terrorist attacks were organised by a non-human intelligence, so I expect to be dubbed as mentally ill and all kind of insults.
9/11 terrorist attack was done by a non-human Intelligence (working through human beings with absolute behaviour manipulation). All we know is that this non-human intelligence is at war with the human race, using deception and diverting the blame on us human beings, its the same non-human entity that is torturing us with gang stalking. Madrid terrorist attack 11-M was also done by this same non-human Intelligence, manipulating human behaviour. Also Perl Harvour and Kennedy assassination were concocted by this non-human intelligence. There is no such “human conspiracy” going on in history, its all done by this criminal extremely cruel non-human entity that controls to the ultimate consecuence human behaviour.
There are no psycopaths,…its all mind control driven by non-human intelligence. The case of Jared Lee Laughner is just one more case of mind control slaughter. Why does he appear smiling in the picture taken at the sheriff's office? Because he was being mind controlled.

Marathon Pundit said...

Oh dear.