McConnell has reason to be confident.
From the Senate Republican Communications Center:
Technorati tags:TAX VOTE WHIP CHECK8 Senate Dems Told Their Constituents They Would Vote To Extend ALL Current Tax Rates
Dems Agree: Don’t Raise Taxes On Small Businesses During A Recession
“[Sen. Mark] Pryor Said He Would Support A Temporary Extension Of All The Tax Cuts.” (“Pryor Pessimistic About Lame-Duck Session,” Arkansas News, 11/17/10)
SEN. JOE MANCHIN (D-WV): “I Wouldn't Raise Any Taxes.” (“Another Democrat Says Extend All Bush Tax Cuts,” Fox News, 9/15/10)
SEN. CHRIS COONS (D-DE): “I Would Extend Them [Tax Cuts] For Everyone.” “I am committed to extending the Bush tax cuts for 98 percent of Americans for everybody making up to $250,000, but I would extend them for everyone. … I'd be willing to extend them for several years for all Americans, of whatever income, if that also allows us to reach a bipartisan compromise that makes real progress in offering tax relief to small and medium businesses, for the home office exception, for the research and development tax credit.” (ABC’s “Good Morning America,” 10/21/10)
SEN. JOE LIEBERMAN (ID-CT): “I Don't Think It Makes Sense To Raise Any Federal Taxes During The Uncertain Economy We Are Struggling Through. The more money we leave in private hands, the quicker our economic recovery will be. And that means I will do everything I can to make sure Congress extends the so-called Bush tax cuts for another year and takes action to prevent the estate tax from rising back to where it was. In our current economic situation, we cannot risk the economic headwinds that would be caused by tax increases. We need to keep as much money as possible in people's pockets and business's bank accounts.” (Sen. Lieberman, Press Release, 9/13/10)
SEN. BEN NELSON (D-NE): “I Support Extending All Of The Expiring Tax Cuts Until Nebraska’s And The Nation’s Economy Is In Better Shape, And Perhaps Longer, Because Raising Taxes In A Weak Economy Could Impair Recovery. Continuing all of the tax cuts could provide certainty for families and businesses in Nebraska and nationwide.” (Sen. Nelson, Press Release, 9/9/10)
SEN. JIM WEBB (D-VA): “I Don't Think They Ought To Be Drawing A Distinction At $250-K.” “Sen Jim Webb, D-Va., on Friday questioned the wisdom of extending only a portion of the Bush tax cuts set to expire at the end of this year, joining a growing list of moderate Democrats expressing skepticism or outright opposition to allowing tax cuts for the well-to-do to expire in a recession. ‘I don't think they ought to be drawing a distinction at $250-k,’ Webb told Fox, referring to Bush-era tax rates that are now lower for couples earning more than that amount.” (“Fox News: Another Dem Questions Wisdom Of Extending Only Part Of Bush Tax Cuts,” Fox News, 9/10/10)
SEN. EVAN BAYH (D-IN): “The Economy Is Very Weak Right Now. Raising Taxes Will Lower Consumer Demand At A Time When We Want People Putting More Money Into The Economy.” (“Democrats Unlikely To Repeal Tax Cuts For The Rich,” McClatchy, 9/1/10)
SEN. KENT CONRAD (D-ND): “The General Rule Of Thumb Is That You Do Not Raise Taxes Or Cut Spending During An Economic Downturn. That Would Be Counterproductive.” (“Democrats Unlikely To Repeal Tax Cuts For The Rich,” McClatchy, 9/1/10)
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