Monday, November 01, 2010

Sen. John Cornyn: GOP closing arguments

Texas Senator John Cornyn gives the Republican closing arguments in Politico:

President Barack Obama promised to cut the deficit in half. Yet the last two fiscal years had the two largest deficits in U.S. history — each more than one trillion dollars. Our national debt has increased by 29 percent since the beginning of the Obama administration. It’s now more than $13 trillion.

Obama promised that families making less than $250,000 would not see any kind of tax increase — “not one single dime.” Yet ObamaCare alone includes half-trillion dollars in higher taxes. And the majority in Congress has done nothing to stop the largest tax increase in history from further weakening our economy, beginning New Year’s Day.

Obama also promised to secure our border and fix our broken immigration system. But any Texan can tell you that our border is not secure. All of us who expected the president to lead on immigration reform have been sorely disappointed.

Obama has broken promises about his policies, and also about the kind of leader he would be. Instead of proposing practical solutions and building bipartisan consensus, Obama outsourced his entire domestic agenda to liberal power brokers in Congress. Instead of encouraging transparency and openness, he has signed bills negotiated in secret and passed before anyone had time to read them. Instead of providing leadership in these difficult times, the president is too often pointing fingers, dodging responsibility and lecturing the electorate.
About the impending Republican wave, Democratic pollster Peter D. Hart says "It is a rebuke to the last two years." As for those House Democrats who voted for ObamaCare, The Hill says they face "a grim Election Day."

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