Thursday, November 18, 2010

Dude, Where's My House? Another 2011 title inspired by Jindal's new book

Laughs are in short supply during these trying times, but Andrew Langer manages to get some as he thinks about tongue-in-cheek book titles for 2011 that could be inspired by Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal's Leadership and Crisis.

Jindal went to see President Obama to seek help in protecting the Gulf shore after the BP Deepwater Horizon blowout--and the president responded with a jobs-killing moratorium on new offshore oil wells.

Here's one of Langer's suggestions:

"If We Did It": No, not "The Juice's" controversial book, but a similar first person recollection from the U.S. Department of the Interior in the days leading up to and following its dismemberment of the Gulf economy through a six-month offshore drilling ban. This "hypothetical" account of Washington’s response to the BP disaster would be chocked full of missteps and outright deception -- including climate czar Carol Browner’s falsification of reports to provide a solid alibi and the administration’s underreporting economic fallout to a criminally insane 7,500 to 11,500 jobs below actual figures.
Here's mine: "Dude, Where's My House?" No, not Michael Moore's facts-challenged anti-Bush rant, but the tale of a self-described post-partisan cult leader who becomes president, but the rules to the left of the Swedish Socialist Party--and sees his own party lose control of the House of Representatives.

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