Sunday, November 14, 2010

Dems' Midwestern and blue collar nightmare

And they call this the Great Midwest
Where the cornfields row and flow
They're all five years ahead of their time
Or 25 behind, I just don't know.
John Mellencamp, "Great Midwest," 1979.

I'm going to go with the latter--and that the so-called trendy coast residents are behind the times.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel's Craig Gilbert takes a look at this month's Democratic electoral debacle and finds that it's heart-attack-city in the Heartland for them.

Blue collar workers greatly assisted Obama's success in the Midwest in 2008--for instance, he was the first Democrat to win Indiana since 1964. These same voters went with the Republicans this time around. Which brings me to something Gilbert left out. The "bitter clingers" never warmed up to Obama and only voted for him in '08 because John McCain appeared clueless in regards to the fixing the economy. Remember, Hillary Clinton spotted that blue collar soft spot in Obama's underbelly after Super Tuesday during the battle for the Democratic nomination. But she found it too late.

The GOP knows where to strike in 2012.

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