Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Senate polls: GOP leads in Kentucky, West Virginia, and Pennsylavania

Although some voters might be giving the Democrats a second glance--which could account to the tightening in the polls in some races--three new surveys will bolster Republican confidence one week before Election Day.

Fox News' latest poll on the competitive Kentucky US Senate race gives Republican Rand Paul a 50 to 43 percent lead over Democrat Jack Conway.

The two candidates debated last night, and the unanimous decision on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" is that Paul was the victor.

Another Fox poll shows Republican John Raese leading West Virginia's Democratic Governor Joe Manchin in the Mountain State's US Senate race, 46 to 43 percent. A narrowing of the gap, yes, but Raese is still leading.

In Pennsylvania, a Morning Call/Muhlenberg College poll gives Republican Pat Toomey a 48 to 40 lead over Democratic Congressman Joe Sestak.

The Great Correction: Seven days away.

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