Saturday, October 30, 2010

John Boehner delivers the Weekly GOP Address

House Minority Leader John Boeher, who we may be calling Speaker of the House-elect in a few days, delivers today's Weekly GOP address.

The Republicans, by the way, are not the "Party of No."

Now these problems didn't start under President Obama. But instead of fixing them, his policies have made them worse. A stimulus’ spending spree that created jobs in China and El Salvador, while millions of Americans lost their jobs here. A job-killing national energy tax. A government takeover of health care.

All these things have combined to create massive uncertainty for small businesses, the engine of job creation in America, while our children face a future clouded by debt.

Americans are demanding a new way forward in Washington – an approach that neither party has tried.

It starts with cutting spending instead of increasing it; making government smaller and more accountable; and helping small businesses get back to creating jobs again.

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