From a campaign press release:
ST. CHARLES – The Randy Hultgren for Congress campaign today sent a letter to Chicago-area TV stations, informing them that they are not required to air dishonest television advertisements paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.Related posts:
"Today's letter to the four stations informs them that the DCCC’s advertisement intentionally and knowingly deceives viewers about Randy’s status as the only anti-tax candidate in this race, and reminds them that they are under no obligation to run the ad," said campaign manager John Cooney. "The stations also have an obligation to their viewers, per the Federal Communications Commission, to protect the public from false, misleading deceptive advertising, and the ad in question is all three. Rather than touting Congressman Foster's record of supporting Nancy Pelosi 93% of the time in Washington, the DCCC has instead chosen to knowingly distort Randy's record and position on the issues that matter to constituents."
"In addition, our request has recent precedent, as similar ads were pulled by TV stations in Michigan last week[1] and in Pittsburgh in May.[2] Further, ads similar to that the DCCC is using to smear Randy Hultgren have been criticized as 'not true' by the non-partisan website We hope that the stations will remember their duty to their viewers and reject the DCCC's desperate and misleading ad."
1] “McDowell Ad, Criticized As Misleading, Pulled From TV,”,, 10/19/10
[2] Mackenzie Carpenter, “TV Station Pulls Political Ad Over Questions Of Truth,”, 10/15/10)
Dems' FairTax lie campaign continues, this time in IL 14 MI 1: Dems standing behind misleading ad
Democrat in Michigan's 1st last in truth
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1 comment:
Anyone who thinks Fairtax is even rational, should take another look.
I know -- I was once fooled by it.
I wish Fairtax would work, I really do.
But look in their fine print. Their fine print hides the 600 lb gorrilla. In fact, once you see the gorilla, its clear they know it's nonsense - the leaders do.
Look at their fine print. (And remember -- they told you it was "transparent").
In their fine print, they say all city governments will have to pay "sales taxes" on all they spend. Including wages! Yes!
Fairtas is a tax on wages!! All government wages are "subject to" the fairtax. All government spending.
Do mayors know that? This would be the biggest single item in every city budget!
Not just every city, but every county government and every state government has to pay "sales taxes" on all they spend--- inlcuding WAGES. Yes, WAGES!!
Check for yourself. I will give you the quotes from their own books -- but after you see those, then you email or call
====================== QUOTES
"The federal government ITSELF will become a MAJOR taxpayer."
Page 148, The Fairtax Book, by Neal Boortz
"Fairtax treats all governments alike ---- federal state and local --- as individual consumers"
Fairtax The Truth Book, page 138.
"Under our plan, all government purchases of LABOR, supplies, and services, would be subject to the fairtax."
You ask them, as I did. Yes, they say, government pays it too. Then they try to tell you that won't matter -- that cities and states will save SO much the mayors and governors won't even care.
Uh huh. Well -- if that is true, TELL the mayors about it. TELL the governors about it. If it were true, Fairtax would not hide this astonishing tax on government.
Here is a blog you can check out
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