Lucky for me--but not so much for others--the Fire Pelosi bus tour came to Niles, Illinois last night a later than expected. This worked out for me because I was toiling away at my real job into the early evening.
The rally took place outside Joel Pollak's campaign office in Niles. Pollak is the Republican candidate for Illinois' 9th Congressional District, which is represented by Jan Schakowsky--who achieves something seemingly impossible. She's more liberal than Pelosi.
The dismissal of the House Speaker of course plays into the a "get-out-the-vote" effort, and Republican National Chairman Michael Steele, a bit hoarse from making three speeches a day, urged voters to back Pollak. He stated the importance of "getting outside your comfort zone and meeting people different than you" to aid the GOP effort.
Steele and I spoke briefly about the conference call we participated in about last year's roll-out of
I apologize for the incomplete report--if someone wants to hire me as a full-time blogger, then let's talk.
The bus is still in the Chicago area: At 10:00am it touches down in Matteson, at J.N. Michael's restaurant on Lincoln Highway. The Reverend Isaac Hayes, the Republican opponent of the tainted Jesse Jackson Jr., will be there.
Click here to find out about the remaining stops on the Fire Pelosi tour.
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