Friday, September 24, 2010

WVSen: Manchin's third negative TV ad--on mine safety--filmed in unsafe mine

Coal mining is a hazardous profession and it's admirable that West Virginia's Democratic governor Joe Manchin, who is now running for the US Senate, has acted in the interest of miner safety. Nine days after 29 miners were killed in the Upper Big Branch mine disaster, Manchin issued an executive order demanding mine operators to better monitor explosive coal dust. But West Virginia hasn't followed up on Manchin's directive--no citations have been issued.

Manchin touts his mine safety record in his third television spot, which like his others, is a negative ad.

As for the mine where the spot was filmed, it "has a history of safety problems."

Related post:

WVSen: Report from the bloggers' conference call with John Raese

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