Now, as the Senate Republican Communications Center warns us, these rates will be "somewhat substantial."
HHS Secretary Says Health Insurance Premium “Rate Increases Are Likely To Continue To Be Somewhat Substantial," But That's Not What Dems Promised
Q: "What Do You Expect Will Be The Outcome Of These Requests [From Insurance Companies] For Rate Increases?" HHS SEC. SEBELIUS: “Well, I Think The Rate Increases Are Likely To Continue To Be Somewhat Substantial." ("Sebelius Offers Six-Month Checkup On Reform," National Journal, 9/20/10)
PRESIDENT OBAMA: "We [Senate Democrats And The Administration] Agree On Reforms That Will Finally Reduce The Costs Of Health Care. Families Will Save On Their Premiums." (President Obama, Remarks After Meeting With Senate Democrats, 12/15/09)
HHS SEC. SEBELIUS: "What Will Happen With Health Reform, Premiums Will Go Down Between 14 Percent And 20 Percent Just By Passing The Bills." "And again, the Congressional Budget Office has suggested that if you look at just the individual market, which our report focuses on, and look at the impact of the House and Senate bills on the individual market, comparing similar benefit packages and what will happen with health reform, premiums will go down between 14 percent and 20 percent just by passing the bills." (Sec. Sebelius, Press Conference, 2/18/10)
SEN. HARRY REID (D-NV): "…We Can Reduce The Costs Of Premiums For Nevadans And All Americans. This Is One More Reason Why We Need To Pass Health Insurance Reform Now, Protecting Patients And Making Health Care Affordable." (Sen. Reid, “Senate Health Reform Bill Will Reduce Premiums For Nevadans,” Press Release, 12/2/09)
SEBELIUS: "Well, CBO Says Your Premiums Should Go Down, Dylan, Of People Who Have Coverage Right Now, Should Go Down." (MSNBC, 3/23/10)
SEN. MAX BAUCUS (D-MT): "That Letter Shows That For All Americans -- All Americans -- Premiums Will Be Lower." (Sen. Max Baucus, Floor Remarks, 12/1/09)
CONNECTICUT: "Health Insurers Are Asking For Immediate Rate Hikes Of More Than 20 Percent In Connecticut For Some Plans, Citing Rising Medical Costs And Federal Health Reform Laws As Reasons. Both issues — the new federal health care reform and rising medical costs — are significant drivers of the increases, according to filings by insurers with state regulators that were reviewed by The Courant." ("Health Insurers Seeking Rate Hikes Of More Than 20 Percent In Connecticut," The Hartford Courant, 9/15/10)
WASHINGTON STATE: "Whopping Rate Increases Are Coming Soon For Many People With Individual Health-Insurance Policies. Most insurers offering individual policies in the state have asked for and been granted rate increases, effective Oct. 1, according to the state's insurance commissioner. Regence BlueShield's rate increase an average 16.5 percent was one of the highest. It was topped by Asuris Northwest Health, a Regence subsidiary, with an increase of 23.7 percent. Group Health Cooperative, the fifth-largest insurer of individuals, was considerably lower, asking for an 8.2 percent increase. But its newer program, Group Health Options, asked for a 22 percent increase. By reducing benefits and making other changes, the plans trimmed increases to 7.8 and 13.8 percent, respectively. A lot of angry customers are asking why." ("Steep Rate Hikes On Way For Individual Health Insurance," The Seattle Times, 9/7/10)
NATIONWIDE: "Health Insurers … Have Asked For Premium Increases Of Between 1% And 9% To Pay For Extra Benefits Required Under The [Democrat Health Care] Law." "Health insurers say they plan to raise premiums for some Americans as a direct result of the health overhaul in coming weeks, complicating Democrats' efforts to trumpet their signature achievement before the midterm elections. Aetna Inc., some BlueCross BlueShield plans and other smaller carriers have asked for premium increases of between 1% and 9% to pay for extra benefits required under the law, according to filings with state regulators." ("Health Insurers Plan Hikes," The Wall Street Journal, 9/8/10)
"Aetna, One Of The Nation's Largest Health Insurers, Said The Extra Benefits Forced It To Seek Rate Increases For New Individual Plans Of 5.4% To 7.4% In California And 5.5% To 6.8% In Nevada After Sept. 23. Similar steps are planned across the country, according to Aetna." ("Health Insurers Plan Hikes," The Wall Street Journal, 9/8/10)
"Regence BlueCross BlueShield Of Oregon Said The Cost Of Providing Additional Benefits Under The Health Law Will Account On Average For 3.4 Percentage Points…" (“Health Insurers Plan Hikes," The Wall Street Journal, 9/8/10)
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