One of those once-scary tea party candidates, Republican Rand Paul, just received the endorsement of the US Chamber of Commerce. And in the latest SurveyUSA poll, Paul leads his Democratic opponent by 15 points.
In Arkansas, Republican John Boozman holds a 17 point lead over the incumbent Democrat, Blanche Lincoln.
A year ago Florida Governor Charlie Crist appeared to be the favorite to win Florida's open US Senate seat. But then the "unelectable" Marco Rubio pulled ahead of Crist in opinion polls. Crist quit the GOP and is now running as an independent. In the latest Reuters/Ipsos poll, Rubio leads Crist by 14 points--and and by 19 over the Democratic nominee. There are ten candidates for that seat--Crist is listed ninth on the ballot. This is a man who is used to being on the top of the list of candidates. What a fall.
Back to Delaware: Democrat Chris Coons leads the "unelectable" O'Donnell 53 percent to 42 percent. Two years ago O'Donnell was stomped by Joe Biden--who was also running for vice president--by a two to one margin. But O'Donnell now has three things she didn't have then--money, name recognition, and a dedicated base of support.
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