Part of the Democratic wave in 2006, Rep. Steve Kagen (D-WI) is going as far as not referring to himself a congressman, as CQ Politics reports. The allergist is calling himself "Dr. Kagen." He says that's the way voters see him, but the "good doctor" voted for ObamaCare.
His Republican opponent, businessman Reid Ribble, wants to repeal the government takeover of health care.
There is more trouble for Democrats in Wisconsin. President Obama is coming to Madison this afternoon and as of yesterday, only Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, the Democratic candidate for governor, has confirmed he will be at that rally.
Young people were among the cogs that put Obama into office two years ago. But they're less enthusiastic this time around. Musician Ben Harper has been added to attract University of Wisconsin students. I'm not that young anymore, but I was part of an e-mail blast inviting me to attend. Sheesh, Madison is a three hour drive from Morton Grove! Like those students, I have better things to do.
As does Senator Russ Feingold. The Democratic incumbent, as has been his wont of late, will avoid another presidential visit in America's Dairyland. Ron Johnson, the GOP nominee, leads Feingold in the latest Fox News Battleground poll 52 to 44 percent.
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Wisconsin 8th: Steve "Big Pill" Kagen and the missing stimulus
Rep. Steve Kagen (D-WI)--vulnerable because of ObamaCare votes
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