One Wisconsin post deserves another.
On New Year's Day Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI) looked like a shoe-in for reelection. But now he's essentially tied with his Republican challenger, businessman Ron Johnson, who is making his first run for public office.
In this Feingold ad, "On Our Side," a bunch of presumably ordinary Wisconsinites testify that the liberal senator "was more concerned about protecting regular people," but one of the "plain folks" is Joanne Ricca, an AFL-CIO lobbyist. Another, the first woman who appears in the ad, is most likely Linda Sadowski, who works in the office of the President of the AFL-CIO.
Feingold is a co-sponsor of Big Labor's Holy Grail, the so-called Employee Free Choice Act, a job-killing piece of legislation.
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Below is a music video by a PAC group at
It was created by ordinary people who are tired of Russ' arrogance and ideology.
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