Wednesday, September 29, 2010

COSen: Rasmussen moves race to "leans Republican"

Colorado, one of those so-called "purple states," went with Barack Obama in 2008. But in the US Senate race there, Ken Buck, the Republican challenger to Democratic incumbent Michael Bennet, leads 51 percent to 43 percent.

This has led Rasmussen to move this contest from "toss-up" to "leans Republican." There are only four states left in the "toss up" category: West Virginia, Nevada, Wisconsin, and Illinois. Each seat is held by a Democrat. No seats currently held by a Republican appear vulnerable to a Democratic pick-up.

As for those toss-ups, Republican challenger Ron Johnson has been showing outside-the-margin-of-error leads in Wisconsin, and in Illinois, today's Chicago Tribune revelation that Alexi Giannoulias lied about leaving failed Broadway Bank in 2005 just might be the fatal blow to the Chicago Democrat's campaign.

The Great Correction is right on schedule.

Related post:

Giannoulias contradicts self, worked 500 hours for failed Broadway Bank in '06

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