Monday, August 16, 2010

Lessons from the BP oil spill

The phrase "mend it, don't end it" applies to the post-BP oil spill.

Here is an excerpt from a Sunday Dallas Morning News editorial about the blowout:

Most important: Much of BP's Deepwater Horizon spill could have been prevented.

Deepwater drilling must remain a part of the U.S. energy portfolio if this country has any hope of weaning itself off foreign oil dependency. The most important lesson from the BP-caused disaster is that drillers and regulators must conduct the drilling in more responsible, less cavalier ways.

Business: Upgrade your cleanup and safety technologies

Oil cleanup technology in the United States is mired in the 1960s, and disaster plans formulated for drilling on land or in shallow water are inadequate for riskier deepwater drilling. A hodgepodge mix of aging oil skimmers, booms, controversial chemical dispersants and controlled burns still aren't enough.
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