Thursday, August 12, 2010

Harry Reid's attack on the economy

Amidst the wreckage of a weak economy--which is very weak in Nevada--Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), who has anemic approval numbers at home, is conspiring with environmentalists to create make a bad economy even worse.

Dan Riehl presents reality:

To partly fund ObamaCare, Democrats altered 1099 reporting requirements for small businesses beginning in 2012. Via a Google search, you can see the backlash from small business here. For a specific reaction, from one of many industries with serious concerns, see the National Restaurant Association. The move would saddle small businesses everywhere with a huge new administrative burden, as well as raise their taxes at a time when we need job growth from them.

The tax scheme Reid is now pushing is actually part of the Left-wing environmentalist agenda, which Langer highlighted while commenting on a Big Government piece on the sweeping Leftist agenda. Clean Energy Works is simply cover for some of the usual suspects on the Left. While Reid is campaigning out in Nevada as a common man and telling Hispanics they can't possibly be Republicans, he's in bed with the environmentalist movement back in DC, pushing a regressive new tax that will hit small businesses and the middle-calls the hardest. Large companies can negotiate special rates for energy, an option not generally available to the little guy. And, as usual, Reid and the Democrats refuse to cut spending to make up for removing the expanded 1099 requirement, as Republicans have proposed.
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