Friday, July 09, 2010

US News and World Report: Bad June portends an awful November for Dems

The June swoon, a baseball term referring to teams who start well and then collapse, applies to the Democrats this year. Except for the fast start, of course.

US News and World Report presents the box score so far:

Just about every day, the White House rolls out a new initiative or makes another argument that President Obama and majority Democrats in Congress are moving aggressively to tackle the nation's problems. In the past two weeks, the administration announced renewed efforts to pass energy and environment legislation and an immigration bill, expressed optimism about prospects for measures strengthening regulations on the financial industry, and announced a new policy expanding international partnerships for monitoring the Earth's climate. There was also the unveiling of a revamped federal website offering consumers information on everything from nutrition to wait times in airport security lines. And of course there are the constant updates of the government response to the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico, and the frequent claims that Obama's economic stimulus was worth the $787 billion pricetag.

But there's a problem. The country is past the point that it is impressed with action alone or with Washington happy-talk about how things will be getting better. Americans want results now, especially on the economy and the high unemployment rate. And they aren't getting them.

All this is important because June is the month when voters generally formulate their political impressions of how things are going, and then tune out for the summer. And that's why the latest polls have been considered so important by the political cognoscenti. The political environment today is almost certain to be the same this November. "Unless there's a seismic change, it's a very difficult environment for the Democrats, and they will lose tons of seats," says Republican pollster Bill McInturff.
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