Thursday, June 03, 2010

Illinois GOP launches Blago trial web site

If you want to keep informed about the corruption trial of Chicago Democrat Rod Blagojevich, then do what I plan to do--bookmark the new Blago trial site.

From an Illinois GOP press release:

Illinois Republican Party Launches Web Site to Track Blagojevich Trial

"The Blago Files" to Offer Regular Updates, Summaries and Links to Coverage

(CHICAGO) – The Illinois Republican Party today launched a comprehensive web site to follow the trial of former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich. "The Blago Files" will be updated regularly with summaries of the court proceedings and links to the vast news coverage expected over the next several weeks.

"We are looking forward to helping Illinois voters keep up with all of the testimony," said Illinois Republican Party Chairman Pat Brady. “The trial will put the spotlight right where it belongs: on the corruption that's been allowed to fester far too long under Democratic Party control in Illinois."

Jury selection begins today at the Dirksen Federal Building, with opening statements expected as early as Monday. "The voters will learn the sordid details of how Blagojevich schemed and plotted against a backdrop of pay-to-play politics," Brady continued. "Let's not forget, he tried to extort a children's hospital," referring to allegations Blagojevich maneuvered to bring in a donation from the head of Children's Memorial Hospital in Chicago in exchange for higher Medicaid reimbursement rates.

Blagojevich faces numerous corruption charges, including attempting to sell the U.S. Senate seat left vacant when Barack Obama became President. Among the evidence, prosecutors are expected to play recorded telephone conversations involving Blagojevich allegedly discussing ways he could benefit financially from his Senate appointment. After the charges became public, Blagojevich named Roland Burris to the post.

"It's a sad story, "Part of that is bringing two-party control back to Springfield."

The new web site can be viewed at Visitors will be able to sign up for regular email updates and other announcements about the trial.

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1 comment:

Carol25 said...

Will there be streaming live coverage of the trial?